Many people have had events in their past that prevent them from enjoying modern dentistry. Often, they will avoid the dental office completely, making their care more difficult, uncomfortable and costly when they do come in to see us.
For these people, there is an answer. SEDATION DENTISTRY.
Sedation dentistry (also called Sleep dentistry by some. This is a misleading and inaccurate term) involves a taking a short acting relative of the Valium family (in this case, Halcion) prior to seeing us for your care. The relaxed state allows you to accept modern dentistry in a comfortable setting. You feel great, often falling asleep during the dental procedure (hence the sleep dentistry), and have nearly perfect amnesia (you remember nothing). It is safe, your bodies protective mechanisms (breathing, swallowing, following commands such as open, turn, etc.) are intact, and there are no long term repercussions from a single dosing.
For more thoughts about Sedation dentistry, see the (General Dentistry/Testimonials/ Sherry) comments Sherry made about her experiences with this method of treatment.
For others, who just don't like the sounds of a dental office, we offer a Sony Discman and a selection of CD's to listen to. A nice distraction.
And for others, our fun atmosphere is enough to allay their fears.
Talk to us about what we can do to ensure you are comfortable with the dentistry we can do with you.